I found this site where you can earn money (or better said "electronic visa cards") to search for anything. The cool part is that there is an auto-search machine which can do all the work for you.

You can signup here: http://scour.com/(i would appreciate it if you signed up under my referral link - - you don't lose anything)

After you signup confirm your e-mail and you are all set. If you click on "redeem" you will see this (this pic is not from my account i just found it already online so i put the link - - there is no difference, just the points):
[Image: d373d806.jpg]

This means that when you get the required points, you can cash out (takes 2-4 days) and the payment is an electronic Visa charged with the given amount, that you can use anywhere like regular Visa.

Another thing to mention is that you don't need to have Paypal or AlertPay or anything like that, not even a credit card. Your payment is a credit card itself.

Now, to download Blackhat Scour (auto-search machine) go here:

After you download it edit the "settings.ini" and put your scour username and password.Change also the min and max search to 100 (the maximum daily that scour allows) as in the picture below:

[Image: 2wbz5n4.png]

For the sleep time (min-max) input whatever you consider as a "normal" interval between searches or leave as it was in default.
Save the Settings.ini and you are all set! Just run Scour.exe and let it do the searches for you ;)

I hope you all enjoy it. Please sign up under my referral link if you liked this tutorial


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