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Mastering HTML and XHTML | By Deborah S. Ray, Eric J. Ray
Sybex | Pages: 1104 | 2002-08-23 | ISBN: 0782141412 | PDF | English | 12 MB

Product Description:
“ Master the Core of All Web Development—And Prepare for the Future

Mastering HTML and XHTML is the most complete, up-to-date book on the core language of the Web. You’ll learn everything you need to know about coding web pages in both HTML and XHTML, the latest, more powerful version of HTML. But it doesn’t stop there. You also get practical instruction in complementary web technologies such as JavaScript, CSS, and Dynamic HTML, along with a Masters Reference that makes it easy to find the information you need. Tying it all together is the authors’ expert guidance on planning, developing, and maintaining effective, accessible websites. Coverage includes:

* Choosing between HTML and XHTML
* Creating web pages
* Planning and developing public, personal, and intranet sites
* Including images in web pages
* Using HTML/XHTML frames effectively
* Converting HTML to XHTML
* Creating CSS style sheets
* Using JavaScript
* Including multimedia
* Creating Dynamic HTML or Dynamic XHTML documents
* Validating XHTML or HTML documents
* Creating coherent, easily maintainable websites
* Making your website searchable
* Accommodating users with disabilities
* Creating an XML DTD
* Extending XHTML with Namespaces

Kevin Mitnick Book - The Art of Intrustion [RS]

[Image: 0764569597cl5.jpg]

Hacker extraordinaire Kevin Mitnick delivers the explosive encore to his bestselling The Art of Deception
Kevin Mitnick, the world's most celebrated hacker, now devotes his life to helping businesses and governments combat data thieves, cybervandals, and other malicious computer intruders. In his bestselling The Art of Deception, Mitnick presented fictionalized case studies that illustrated how savvy computer crackers use "social engineering" to compromise even the most technically secure computer systems. Now, in his new book, Mitnick goes one step further, offering hair-raising stories of real-life computer break-ins-and showing how the victims could have prevented them. Mitnick's reputation within the hacker community gave him unique credibility with the perpetrators of these crimes, who freely shared their stories with him-and whose exploits Mitnick now reveals in detail for the first time, including:

* A group of friends who won nearly a million dollars in Las Vegas by reverse-engineering slot machines
* Two teenagers who were persuaded by terrorists to hack into the Lockheed Martin computer systems
* Two convicts who joined forces to become hackers inside a Texas prison
* A "Robin Hood" hacker who penetrated the computer systems of many prominent companies-andthen told them how he gained access

With riveting "you are there" descriptions of real computer break-ins, indispensable tips on countermeasures security professionals need to implement now, and Mitnick's own acerbic commentary on the crimes he describes, this book is sure to reach a wide audience-and attract the attention of both law enforcement agencies and the media.
NO passwords
Size - 3.1 mb
Format- PDF

[Image: ceddabc5250a.jpg]

Servo - July 2009
English |
85 pages |
12.61 Mb


[Image: eu3pex.jpg]

size - 7 MB
If you want to build dynamic Web sites that encourage users to interact with them, PHP and MySQL are among the best tools you’ll find. PHP is a scripting language designed specifically for use on the Web, while MySQL is a database management system that works with it perfectly. Best of all, they’re free. It’s hard to beat that combination!

PHP & MySQL Web Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies is kind of one-stop shopping for the information you need to get up and running with these tools and put them to good use. It’s divided into six handy minibooks that cover setting up your environment, PHP programming, using MySQL, security, PHP extensions, and PHP Web applications. They make it easy to create a Web site where visitors can sign on, use shopping carts, complete forms, and do business with your business.

It’s easy to find what you need in this handy guide. You’ll discover how to:

* Find and acquire all the tools you need and set up your development environment
* Build PHP scripts to make your Web site work
* Create a MySQL database that visitors can access
* Summarize and sort data results
* Design and implement user access control
* Build a shopping cart application
* Create extensions that make your site more useful

With PHP & MySQL Web Development All-in-One Desk Reference For Dummies by your side, you’ll be a Web site guru before you know it!


Platforms : Windows, Linux

Release Date : 2007-11-02

Category : Video Tutorial (3 hours)

Format : Converted from bin to 53 wmv files


01. Introduction & Course Outline
Introduction & Course Outline 2:10

02. Introduction To Apache
Apache in a Nutshell 1:57
History of Apache 1:42
Features 2:43
Integration 2:12

03. Installing Apache on Linux
Installing Apache on Linux 2:39
Installing Apache from RPMs 1:42
Installing Apache from Source 2:44
Demo: Installing on Linux 1:54

04. Installing Apache on Windows
Installation 3:45
Configuration Methods on Windows 2:16
Basic Apache Adminstration on Windows 2:29
Demon: Installing on Windows 4:53

05. Configuring Apache on Linux
Configuration Files 4:23
Configuring Apache at the Command Line 2:20
Configuring Apache With the GUI 1:39
Configuring Apache With Webmin 2:49
Apache Modules 2:19
Demo: Configuring Apache Web Server 2:08

06. Managing Content on Apache Server
Virtual Hosting 3:06
Content Publishing 1:26
Proxying with Apache 2:35
Caching 1:45
Demo: Managing Content on Apache 2:13

07. Configuring MySQL on Apache
Intro to MySQL 3:19
Installing MySQL 2:04
Configuring MySQL 2:18
Securing MySQL 2:35

08. Configuring PHP on Apache
Intro to PHP 1:53
Installing PHP 2:29
Configuring PHP 3:06
PHP Security 2:16
Demo: Configuring PHP on Apache 2:50

09. Apache Web Server Admin
Remote Administration 3:57
Performance Monitoring 2:08
Authentication 1:49
Logging 1:17
Demo: Remote Administration of Apache 4:20

10. Security Testing Apache
Introduction To Penetration Testing 2:31
Pen Testing Platforms & Tools 2:24
Testing Web Servers 3:54
Testing Web Applications 2:49
Testing Databases 3:26

11. Securing Apache
Securing the Server 4:14
Securing the OS 4:06
Securing Apache Web Server 2:47
Securing Apache Applications 4:20
Securing the Network 2:39

12. Best Practices to Running Apache
Installation & Configuration 1:55
Administration 1:17
Security 3:52

13. Course Wrap up
Course Wrap up 1:09

14. About the Authors
About the Authors 0:40

Most of these sites require membership and special permissions.

Blacklisted(banned books): - Combat and weapon orientated - List of cool things -blacklisted - lots of good pyrotechnical information - weapons, anarchy and such - more explosives

This is an e-book i found somewhere and had stored on my PC, its basically a history of hacking and phreaking

I have no idea if this is already uploaded but im pretty sure its not, i did not write it or anything, just uploaded it because some people may find it interesting. There are no viruses in it unless RapidShare Puts Viruses on its files Biggrin

File Size: Under 1 MB:
File Type: .txt

[Image: 2nlad6x.jpg]
If you know a bit about SQL, this book will make PL/SQL programming painless!

The Oracle has spoken—you need to get up to speed on PL/SQL programming, right? We predict it'll be a breeze with this book! You'll find out about code structures, best practices, and code naming standards, how to use conditions and loops, where to place PL/SQL code in system projects, ways to manipulate data, and more.

Discover how to :
* Write efficient, easy-to-maintain code
* Test and debug PL/SQL routines
* Integrate SQL and PL/SQL
* Apply PL/SQL best practices
* Use new features introduced in Oracle 9i and 10g
download link-

Hacking Ubuntu, Serious Hacks Mods and Customizations
[Image: unbuntuui3.jpg]
by Neal Krawetz

John Wiley & Sons 2007 (410 pages)


Showing you how you can blow away the default system settings and get Ubuntu to behave however you want, this down and dirty book will help you take total control of your Ubuntu system by optimizing its appearance, speed, usability, and security.

Table of Contents
Part I - Optimizing Your System
Chapter 1 - Hacking the Installation
Chapter 2 - Making Ubuntu Usable
Chapter 3 - Configuring Devices
Part II - Working with Compatibility
Chapter 4 - Managing Software
Chapter 5 - Communicating Online
Chapter 6 - Collaborating
Part III - Improving Performance
Chapter 7 - Tuning Processes
Chapter 8 - Multitasking Applications
Chapter 9 - Getting Graphical with Video Bling
Part IV - Securing Your System
Chapter 10 - Locking Down Ubuntu
Chapter 11 - Advanced Networking
Chapter 12 - Enabling Services

[Image: qnxhn7ju7fapdvzoaug.jpeg]
Computer Shopper (04/2009)

Pages: 100 | Scan & PDF: Antfer | PDF | 13.3 mb


[Image: 3450a3d.jpg]
Description Ubuntu is a complete, free operating system that emphasizes community, support, and ease of use while refusing to compromise on speed, power, and flexibility. It’s Linux for human beings–designed for everyone from computer novices to experts. Ubuntu is the most in-demand Linux distribution, and this official guide will get you up and running quickly.

Learn how to seamlessly install and customize Ubuntu for your home or small businesses. Its open source power can be used in schools, government, or by corporations, and is suitable for both desktop and server use. The Ubuntu community is built on the premise that software should be available free of charge, and that people should have the freedom to customize and alter their software in whatever way they see fit.

Written by leading Ubuntu community members, this is the only book that you need to become a savvy Ubuntu user.

* Covers the latest version of Ubuntu–Ubuntu 6.06LTS
* Covers every standard desktop application from word processing, spreadsheets, Web browsing, e-mail, instant messaging, music, video, and, of course, games, all the way to software development, databases, and other server applications
* Includes real-world troubleshooting advice contributed by Ubuntu users from around the world
* Learn about the extended Ubuntu community, which includes translators; software developers; teachers; people who love to hand out CDs and help friends try free software; artists; people who write documentation, tips, and guides; accountants; and even a lawyer or two.
* Covers both Ubuntu and Kubuntu desktop systems
* Explains Ubuntu Server installation and basic administration, complete with advanced installer features like LVM and RAID

This book comes with a version of Ubuntu that can run right off the DVD, as well as the complete set of supported packages for Ubuntu, including Kubuntu. Try out Ubuntu on the DVD. If you want to keep it, install it directly from your desktop.

TCP/IP Sockets in Java, Second Edition: Practical Guide for Programmers

[Image: 87281760qh5.jpg]
Keith Edwards, Professor, Georgia Tech

“In particular, it’s definitely time for an update to this book, since so many changes to the Java platform have happened since the first edition. While I don’t see the need to update most books every time there’s a minor update, this book is definitely overdue for a revision.

“I think the book is especially appropriate for mature practitioners and students, who need an easily-accessible and to-the-point overview of the Java networking APIs. To me, one of the strongest points of the book is that it?s concise enough to serve as a quick guide and reference to key ?gotchas.? Thus, I think the structure of the book serves audiences who are already good network programmers, or who need a good Java reference, quite well.”

Robert Brunner, Research Programmer, National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA)–
“I think the book does a good job of hitting this market. It is not suited to be a main textbook for a class, and it does not try to do that, But it does do a nice job of succinctly hitting the major points, providing nice examples, as well as a reference for the major important topics. So I see this as a nice book for developers who want to quickly (and cheaply) master networking Java, as well as a supplemental book for courses in continuing education courses or colleges.”

TCP/IP Sockets in Java, Second Edition: Practical Guide for Programmers
192 pages | February 15, 2008 | PDF | 1 Mb

The Web Application Hackers Handbook - Discovering and Exploiting Security Flaws

[Image: xej24w.jpg]
This book is a practical guide to discovering and exploiting security flaws in web applications. By “web application” we mean an application that is accessed by using a web browser to communicate with a web server. We examine a wide variety of different technologies, such as databases, file systems, and web services, but only in the context in which these are employed by web applications.
If you want to learn how to run port scans, attack firewalls, or break into servers in other ways, we suggest you look elsewhere. But if you want to know how to hack into a web application, steal sensitive data, and perform unauthorized actions, then this is the book for you. There is enough that is interesting and fun to say on that subject without straying into any other territory.

Size - 5 MB
736 Pages

Download link

Computer Magazines Four in ONE (May 2009)

[Image: 261j039.jpg]
Computer Magazines 4 in 1 May 2009

PC World
PC Magazine
Personal Computer World

[Image: PCworld0609.jpg]

Download Links..

Assembly Language Step by Step Programming with DOS and Linux (Vol.1 & 2)

ook Description
The bestselling guide to assembly language-now updated and expanded to include coverage of Linux

This new edition of the bestselling guide to assembly programming now covers DOS and Linux! The Second Edition begins with a highly accessible overview of the internal operations of the Intel-based PC and systematically covers all the steps involved in writing, testing, and debugging assembly programs.

Expert author Jeff Duntemann then presents working example programs for both the DOS and Linux operating systems using the popular free assembler NASM. He also includes valuable information on how to use procedures and macros, plus rare explanations of assembly-level coding for Linux, all of which combine to offer a comprehensive look at the complexities of assembly programming for Intel processors.

Providing you with the foundation to create executable assembly language programs, this book:
* Explains how to use NASM-IDE, a simple program editor and assembly-oriented development environment
* Details the most used elements of the 86-family instruction set
* Teaches about DEBUG, the single most useful tool you have as an assembly language programmer
* Examines the operations that machine instructions force the CPU to perform
* Discusses the process of memory addressing
* Covers coding for Linux

The CD-ROM includes:
* Net-Wide Assembler (NASM) for both DOS and Linux
* NASM-IDE, a command shell and code editor for DOS
* ALINK, a free linker for DOS programming
* All program code examples from the book

Microsoft C# Programming for the Absolute Beginner

[Image: 91509.jpg]
Paperback: 280 pages
Size : 14 MB
Date: September 9, 2002
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1931841527
ISBN-13: 978-1931841528
Publisher: Course Technology PTR; 1 edition

Product Description
If you are new to programming with C# and are looking for a solid introduction, this is the book for you. Developed by computer science instructors, books in the for the absolute beginner series teach the principles of programming through simple game creation.

You will acquire the skills that you need for more practical C# programming applications and will learn how these skills can be put to use in real world scenarios. Best of all, by the time you finish this book you will be able to apply the basic principles you’ve learned to the next programming language you tackle.


[Image: 18euyx.jpg]

English |
12 MB

The story opens with Bart, Millhouse and Martin experiencing ennui over the crappy event-driven comic books that flooded over their beloved hero Radioactive Man. Meanwhile, Radioactive Man's new owner Krusty the Clown is puzzled by the sales plummeting. Enter Lindsey Nagle and her plans to change Radioactive Man forever.


Books included in file

Books included in file
PHP Navigations - TUTORIAL
Beginning PHP and MySQL
Creating a Simple Hit Counter in PHP - TUTORIAL
Creating a Simple Search Engine in PHP - TUTORIAL
PHP Functions Essential Reference
Web Application Development with PHP 4.0
Programming PHP
Web Database Applications with PHP & MySQL
PHPUnit Pocket Guide
PHP Pocket Reference, 2nd Edition
Programming PHP
PHP for the World Wide Web: Visual QuickStart Guide
PHP Fast & Easy Web Development, 2nd Edition
MySQL and PHP from Scratch
PHP and MySQL Web Development
PHP and PostgreSQL: Advanced Web Programming
PHP Developer's Cookbook, Second Edition
Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL™ and Apache in 24 Hours
Integrating PHP and XML
Using Databases in PHP - TUTORIAL

[Image: 157521030401aa240sclzzztv2.jpg]
  • Paperback: 527 pages
  • Publisher: Sams; Bk&CD Rom edition (January 1996)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1575210304
  • ISBN-13: 978-1575210308
Description: I have two beginning Java books, Joyce Farrel's "Java Programming: 2nd Edition" and "Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days" of the two, this book is the easier to understand. However, it doesn't push the reader to experiment with code and push themselves like the first title I mentioned does.I have experience in other OOP languages and that may be what made this book easy for me to understand. If I try to look at this book as a beginner that has never had any programming experience I think this book would be tricky to understand. I would suggest that anybody that wants to learn any kind of programming get a good book on programming logic and learn how to write pseudo-code and flowchart before they totally imerse themselves in OOP (or procedural programming).
This book does cover almost every aspect of Java. The one that I found it lacking in, and the one I need for work, are JDBC basics. Still, I think that before tackling JDBC a person should understand the basics and this book would do a good job of that.
I have had two people recommend "Thinking in Java" by Bruce Eckel as the best book for learning Java. I have not read it but it is free for download in PDF format. I think a book like that combined with this one would be the best for anyone that wants to be a Java programmer.

Index of /e-books

* (Ebook) Hacking - Computers - Networking - TCPIP Network Administration - Oreilly.pdf
* (Kernel) Windows Undocumented File Formats Source
* (MSPress) Writing Secure Code.pdf
* (ebooK) - How To Keygens.pdf
* (nearly)_Complete_Linux_Loadable_Kernel_Modules.html
* 0072260858.Mcgraw-Hill Osborne Media.19 Deadly Sins of Software Security (Security One-off).chm
* 011 xDash.pdf
* 012 Natural Language Steganography.pdf
* 013 The Art of Fingerprinting.pdf
* 0131482092.Prentice Hall Ptr.Solaris™ Internals- Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris Kernel Architecture (2nd Edition) (Solaris Series).chm
* 014 Feuriges Hacken.pdf
* 015 Sicherheit bei VoIP-Systemen.pdf
* 016 Phishing the Web.pdf
* 017 Next Generation Peer to Peer Systems.pdf
* 019 Verdeckte Netzwerkanalyse.pdf
* 0201549794.Addison-Wesley Professional.The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System (Unix and Open Systems Series.).pdf
* 023 Ciphire Mail.pdf
* 026 SAP R3 Protocol Reverse Engineering.pdf
* 027 Biometrie in Ausweisdokumenten.pdf
* 029 Robocup.pdf
* 037 GNOME Anwendungsentwicklung.pdf
* 038 Free Software Usage in South America.pdf
* 039 Squeak and Croquet.pdf
* 040 Firewall Piercing.pdf
* 040622-Securing-Mac-OS-X.pdf
* 041 Einfuehrung in Kryptographische Methoden.pdf
* 042 Cored Programming.pdf
* 044 Machine Learning in Science and Engineering.pdf
* 045 Internet Censorship in China.pdf
* 046 Tollcollect.pdf
* 047 Datamining the NSA.pdf
* 049 Zufallszahlengeneratoren.pdf
* 051 Recent features to OpenBSD-ntpd and bgpd.pdf
* 052 Die Ueblichen Verdaechtigen.pdf
* 053 Enforcing the GNU GPL.pdf
* 055 CCC-Jahresrueckblick.pdf
* 056 LiberTOS.pdf
* 057 SUN Bloody Daft Solaris Mechanisms.pdf
* 058 The Blinking Suspects.pdf
* 059 Wikipedia Sociographics.pdf
* 060 Digital Prosthetics.pdf
* 062 Hacking EU funding for a FOSS project.pdf
* 063 Edit This Page.pdf
* 064 Trusted Computing.pdf
* 066 Bluetooth Hacking.pdf
* 067 Inside PDF.pdf
* 068 NOC Overview.pdf
* 070 Fnord-Jahresrueckblick.pdf
* 072 The Reality of Network Address Translators.pdf
* 077 Weird Programming 2.pdf
* 078 Aspects of Elliptic Curve Cryptography.pdf
* 079 AVG aint vector graphics.pdf
* 080 USB-Unbekannter Serieller Bus.pdf
* 081 Quantenmechanik fuer Nicht Physiker.pdf
* 083 Quanteninformationstheorie fuer Nicht Physiker.pdf
* 0849380340.AUERBACH.The Debugger's Handbook.pdf
* 095 Security Nightmares 2005.pdf
* 097 Das Literarische Code-Quartett.pdf
* 098 Portable Software-Installation with pkg source.pdf
* 099 GPL fuer Anfaenger.pdf
* 1-1_copy.txt
* 100 Anonymous communications.pdf
* 101 XMPP - Jabber.pdf
* 105 Honeypot Forensics.pdf
* 107 Embedded Devices as an attack vector.pdf
* 108 The Convergence of Anti-Counterfeiting and Computer Security.pdf
* 109 Anti-Honeypot Techniques.pdf
* 10threats.doc
* 110 Applied Data Mining.pdf
* 111 The Kernel Accelerator Device.pdf
* 113 Automated Hacking via Google.pdf
* 114 Der 2. Korb der Urheberrechtsnovelle.pdf
* 115 The Fiasco Kernel.pdf
* 117 Kampagne Fair Sharing.pdf
* 118 Verified Fiasco.pdf
* 120 Softwarepatente - Ruestzeug zur Debatte.pdf
* 121 Black Ops of DNS.pdf
* 122 Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights under German Private Law.pdf
* 123 Gentoo Hardened.pdf
* 125 Old Skewl Hacking Infra Red.pdf
* 126 Apache Security.pdf
* 127 Security Frameworks.pdf
* 129 Die Propagandawueste des realen Krieges.pdf
* 12ways_privacy.html
* 130 Physical Security.pdf
* 131 Learning OpenPGP by Example.pdf
* 134 Secure Instant Messaging.pdf
* 135 Voting Machine Technology.pdf
* 136 Hacking Linux-Powered Devices.pdf
* 137-byte-Linux-shellcode.txt
* 140 A Fat Girls Intimate Perspective on Hacker Culture and Spaces.pdf
* 146 Mehr Sicherheit fuer HostAP-WLANs.pdf
* 147_Great_WinXP_Tips.rtf
* 151 Side Channel Analysis of Smart Cards.pdf
* 153 Suchmaschinenpolitik.pdf
* 158 How to find anything on the web.pdf
* 159 State of Emergent Democracy.pdf
* 163 SPAM Workshop.pdf
* 165 Softwarepatente - Der Tag danach.pdf
* 168 Spampolitik.pdf
* 176 Passive covert channels in the Linux kernel.pdf
* 178 Humanoid Robots.pdf
* 183 Tor.pdf
* 187 Einfuehrung in die Rastersondenmikroskopie.pdf
* 1931769494.A-List Publishing.Hacker Web Exploitation Uncovered.chm
* 1931769508.A-List Publishing.Hacker Linux Uncovered.chm
* 20011009-passive-os-detection.html
* 207 Amateurfunk.pdf
* 208 GameCube Hacking.pdf
* 213 Haskell.pdf
* 214 Kryptographie in Theorie und Praxis.pdf
* 216 Hacking The Genome.pdf
* 218 Practical MacOS X Insecurities.pdf
* 21c3_Bluetooth_Hacking.pdf
* 232 Positionsbezogene Ad-hoc Kollaboration ueber WLAN.pdf
* 242 Weird Programming 1.pdf
* 244 High Speed Computing with FPGAs.pdf
* 246 RFID Technologie und Implikationen.pdf
* 250 Lightning Talk-NetBSD Status Report.pdf
* 253 Pixels want to be many.pdf
* 255 Pixels want to talk.pdf
* 2600.The.Hacker.Quarterly.Volume.22.Number.1.Spring.2005.pdf
* 271 Hidden Data in Internet Published Documents.pdf
* 272 Sicherheitsmanagement.pdf
* 273 Crashkurs Mathematik am Beispiel Biometrie.pdf
* 274 Praktische Anleitung zum Bau eines Radiosenders.pdf
* 277 Das Programmiersystem Forth.pdf
* 278 TKUeV-Das Ohr am Draht.pdf
* 289 Mixing VJing and Post-Production.pdf
* 301001ircfaq.html
* 301101BufferOverflow.txt
* 306 Ruby.pdf
* 308 MD5 To Be Considered Harmful Someday.pdf
* 310 Information-Wissen-Macht.pdf
* 313 Biometrie als datenschutzrechtliches Problem.pdf
* 31337_master1.htm
* 315 Fight for your Right to Fileshare.pdf
* 316 Bericht von den BigBrotherAwards.pdf
* 317 Unsicherheit von Personal Firewalls.pdf
* 55 Ways To Have Fun with GOOGLE.pdf
* 640801_sheet.doc
* 6_Managing Risk.pdf
* 802.11b Firmware-Level Attacks.pdf
* 95-98-local-hacking.txt
* A Beginners Guide To Hacking Computer Systems.pdf
* A Beginners Guide To Wireless Security.txt
* A Complete Users Guide To Port Scanning.doc
* A Novice's Guide To Hacking.txt
* A Novice's Guide to Hacking 2004.txt
* A Short HACKER SPEAK Glossary.txt
* A simple TCP spoofing attack.txt
* A-decompilation-of-the-Lovesan-MSBLAST-Worm.txt
* A.LIST.Publishing.Hacker.Disassembling.Uncovered.eBook-LiB.chm
* A.LIST.Publishing.Hacker.Disassembling.Uncovered.eBook-LiB.chm.1
* AGPLNetFlowProbe.html
* AIM-imageediting.txt
* AIX_Security.pdf
* ASPzusammenfassung.html
* A_Buffer_Overflow_Study_-_Attacks_and_Defenses__2002_.pdf
* A_Quick_Unix_Command_Reference_Guide.doc
* Access-Users-Folders-xp-2k.txt
* Accessing microsoft iis configurations remotely.pdf
* Accessing the bindery files directly.txt
* Accurate Real-Time Identification of IP Hijacking.pdf
* Acts-tools.doc
* Addison Wesley - Hack I.T. Security Through Penetration Testing.chm
* Addison.Wesley,,.2Ed.BBL.LotB.chm
* Addison.Wesley,.Software.Security.Building.Security.In.(2006).BBL.chm
* Addison.Wesley.Advanced.Programming.In.The.Unix.Environment.(2005).2Ed.pdf
* Addison.Wesley.Professional.Rootkits.Subverting.the.Windows.Kernel.chm
* Advanced Buffer Overflow.txt
* Advanced_Attacks_Against_PocketPC_Phones.pdf
* Almost Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Security (but.txt
* An Architectural Overview of UNIX Network Security.htm
* An Indepth Guide in Hacking UNIX and the concept of Basic Net.txt
* An Introduction to Denial of Service.txt
* An Introduction to the Computer Underground.txt
* Analysis of Vulnerabilities in Internet Firewalls.pdf
* Analyzing 0day Hacker Tools.pdf
* AnalyzingLargeDDoSAttacksUsingMultipleData.pdf
* Anti-Cracking_Tips_V2.0.html
* Art.of.Software.Security.Assessment.chm
* Assembling_a_Computer.ppt
* Assembly-Language-banshee.htm
* Assigning-passwords-to-folders-in-win-98-and-2000.txt
* Astalavista-Group-Security-Newsletter-2.txt
* Async-Blockreport-v1-0.txt
* Attack of the 50ft Botnet.pdf
* Auditing-Web-Site-Authentication-Part-Two.htm
* Auditing-Web-Site-Authentication.html
* Auerbach.Publications,.The.Security.Risk.Assessment.Handbook.(2005).DDU.LotB.pdf
* BBS Crashing Techniques.txt
* BackLogo_270202.txt
* Basic Networking.txt
* Basic Transposition Ciphers.txt
* Basics of Overflows.txt
* Basics_On_How_To_Identify_A_Firewall.doc
* Basicsecurity-win98.txt
* Begginers Guide to Linux.txt
* Beginners Guide to recovering your FTP Password.doc
* Beginners-Guide-To-Cracking.txt
* Beginners-Security-Guide.htm
* Benchmarking Terminology for Firewall Performance.txt
* Blind Injection in MySQL Databases.txt
* Bluetooth Hacking.pdf
* Botnets Proactive System Defense.ppt
* BotnetsVehicleForOnlineCrime.pdf
* Brief_intro_to_cryptography.pdf
* Buffer-Overflow-german.html
* Building HP-UX11 Bastion Hosts.txt
* Bypassing Corporate Email Filtering.pdf
* CASR-ACAT-PHP-TopSites-Vulnerability.txt
* CD-Writing-HOWTO.txt
* CERT Statistics.xls
* CERT® Coordination Center Reports.html
* CGIExplained.doc
* CISSP Risk Management.pdf
* COVER-1_TXT.txt
* COVER-2_TXT.txt
* CW.txt
* Cable Modem Hacking How-to.pdf
* CardersManaul.doc
* Cellular Telephone Phreaking Phile Series VOL 1.txt
* Ch 2-4 Microsoft Security Risk Management Guide.pdf
* Changing-IP-Address---Astalavista-Group.htm
* Characterization of P2P traffic in the Backbone.pdf
* Cisco IOS Exploitation Techniques.pdf
* Cisco wireless network security guide.pdf
* Cisco.Press.Penetration.Testing.and.Network.Defense.Nov.2005.FIXED.eBook-DDU.chm
* Cisco_IOS_from_an_Attacker's_Point_of_View.pdf
* Code_Complete.A_Practical_Handbook_of_Software_Construction.2ndEditionDraft.McConnell.pdf
* Columnists--Relax-It-Was-a-Honeypot.htm
* CombatingSPAM.doc
* Commercial Satellite Services and National Security .pdf
* Compiling C and C++ in Linux systems.doc
* CompleteGuideToComputers.txt
* Compromise_Common_Hash_Algorithms.pdf
* Computer Security Art And Science.chm
* Computer_Vulnerability_March_9_2000_.pdf
* Computercrime2002.txt
* Conducting-a-Security-Audit-An-Introductory-Ov.htm
* Copying-Copy-Protected-CDs.htm
* Cplusplus-tutorial-banshee.htm
* Cracking String Encryption in Java Obfuscated Bytecode.pdf
* Cracking the Sam file.txt
* Cracking the Universal Product Code.txt
* Crackproof Your Software (2002).pdf
* Cramsession CIW Security Professional.pdf
* Cribbing_Perl_code.doc
* Crypto Tutorial.rar
* Cyber Security Database.xls
* Cyber Security Matrix Computations.xls
* Cyber Security Prediction Models[2].doc
* Cyber-terrorism-overhyped.txt
* CyberCash_Credit_Card_Protocol_Version_0.doc
* CyberLaw 101 US Laws of Honeypot Deployments.pdf
* Cyberwar_Strategy_and_Tactics.pdf
* DHS Cyber Security Case.doc
* DNS Amplification Attacks.pdf
* DOM_Based_Cross_Site_Scripting.txt
* DRDoS.pdf
* Defeating IRC Bots on the Internal Network.pdf
* Defeating Windows2k3 Stack Protection.pdf
* Defeating microsoft windows 2003 stack protection.pdf
* DefendingWifiAgainstDDoSAttacks.pdf
* Demonstrating-ROI-for-Penetration-Testing-3.htm
* Demonstrating-ROI-for-Penetration-Testing-Part-Two.htm
* Demonstrating-ROI-for-Penetration-Testing-Part-one.htm
* Demystifying Google Hacks.pdf
* Demystifying Penetration Testing.pdf
* Design For Building IPS Using Open Source Products.pdf
* Detecting Peer-to-Peer Botnets.pdf
* Detecting-SQL-Injection-in-Oracle.htm
* DetectingMass-MailingWormInfectedHostsbyMiningDNSTrafficData.pdf
* Dial-Out-Connection-in-FreeBSD.htm
* Directory-URL.prediction.doc
* Distributed Computing.pdf
* DoD AntiTerrorism Standards for Buildings.pdf
* DoS Information Document.pdf
* DoS_attacks_by_NrAziz.txt
* Drake's Phreaking Tutorial.txt
* Dynamic-Honeypots.htm
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* Ebook - Windows - Programming .NET Security.chm
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* EncryptionPrograms-C.txt
* Enhancing IDS using Tiny Honeypot.pdf
* Enhancing Web privacy and anonymity in the digital era.pdf
* EthicsEssayAstalav.doc
* Exploit
* Exploiting-Cisco-Systems.html
* Exposing-the-Underground.html
* Extended HTML Form Attack.pdf
* FTPAttackCaseStudyPartI.html
* FXPtutorial.txt
* Fiber Optics Technicians Manual.pdf
* Finding Vulnerabilities.txt
* Fingerprinting Port 80 Attacks.txt
* Fireall Analysis and Operation Methods.pdf
* Fixingxp.txt
* FootPrinting-Before-the-real-fun-begins.htm
* Forensic-Log-Parsing-with-Microsofts-LogParser.htm
* Forensically Unrecoverable HD Data Destruction.pdf
* Forensics and SIM cards Overview.pdf
* Formulating A Company Policy on Access to and Use and Disclos.txt
* Free Speech in Cyberspace.txt
* Free_Avs_password_pullermann.txt
* GRE_sniffing.doc
* Gary.Kasparov-Kasparov.Teaches.Chess.pdf
* Gender Issues in Online Communications.txt
* GettingAdmin.txt
* Getting_started_with_SSH.html
* Google Hacks.pdf
* Government Computer Security Techniques.txt
* Guatehack_ Hacking Windows Server 2003.doc
* Guide to Hacking with sub7.doc
* Guide-To-Using-Snort-For-Basic-Purposes.htm
* HACK.txt
* Hack Attacks Revealed- A Complete Reference with Custom Security Hacking Toolkit (Wiley-2001).pdf
* Hackeando-o-RPC-do-Windows-por-RMP.doc
* Hacker Digest Spring 2002.pdf
* Hacker Digest Winter 2002.pdf
* Hacker Test.txt
* Hackers Beware (NewRiders -2002).pdf
* Hackers Survival Guide.rtf
* Hackerz_n_hacking_inside_out.doc
* Hacking Databases.pdf
* Hacking Databases.txt
* Hacking Directv - Dss - Satellite Access Card Programming.pdf
* Hacking Exposed- Network Security Secrets and Solutions (MCGraw-Hill-2001).pdf
* Hacking Exposed- Network Security Secrets and Solutions.pdf
* Hacking Exposed- Web Applications.pdf
* Hacking For Dummies - Access To Other Peoples Systems Made Simple.pdf
* Hacking For Newbies.doc
* Hacking Guide3.1.pdf
* Hacking Into Computer Systems - Beginners.pdf
* Hacking P2P Users Tutorial.txt
* Hacking Password Protected Website's.doc
* Hacking TRW.txt
* Hacking TYMNET.txt
* Hacking Unix System V's.txt
* Hacking VoiceMail Systems.txt
* Hacking Wal-Mart Computers.txt
* Hacking Webpages.txt
* Hacking a Website Or Its Member Section.txt
* Hacking for Dummies 2.doc
* Hacking for Dummies Volume 2.doc
* Hacking for Dummies.pdf
* Hacking for Newbies tutorial.txt
* Hacking the Hacker.pdf
* Hacking-your-CMOS-BIOS.txt
* HackingCreatingaXDCCBot.txt
* Hacking_Installing_and_Using_Pubs_Thru_IIS-E-man.txt
* Hackproofing MySQL.pdf
* Hardening-the-TCP-IP-stack-to-SYN-attacks.htm
* Hearing on HR 285 regarding the creation of an Assistant Secretary for Cyber Security.doc
* HijackinICQAccounts.txt
* Honeynet-Recent-Attacks-Review.htm
* Honeypots-Are-They-Illegal.htm
* Honeypots-Simple-Cost-Effective-Detection.htm
* Honeypots_Definitions-and-value-of-honeypots.html
* Honeywalldetection.pdf
* How BT phone cards works.txt
* How NAT Works.pdf
* How Phone Phreaks are Caught.txt
* How To Display An IP With PHP.txt
* How To Hack Into PayPal Account!!!.txt
* How To Read News Groups Semi-An.txt
* How the Traditional Media Clasifications Fail to Protect in t.txt
* How to Bill All Of your Fone Calls To Some Poor, Unsuspecting.txt
* How to Hack UNIX System V.txt
* How to Make Key Generators.rtf
* How to build secure LANs with IPSec.pdf
* How to crash AOL.txt
* How to dial out of a UNIX System.txt
* How to find Security Holes.txt
* How to get a Shell in 24 hours.txt
* How-ToNumber1.txt
* HowTo-Crack-By-+OCR-Lesson-4.txt
* HowToUseWinmodemUnderLinux.txt
* HowtoReadEmailHeader.txt
* Hunting Down a DDoS Attack.pdf
* ICQ Trojans.txt
* ICQ-pw-stealing_031201.txt
* IDS & IPS Placement for Network Protection.pdf
* IE Javaprxy dll COM Object Vulnerability.txt
* IF_You_Never_Understood_C_Language_ Part1.doc
* IF_You_Never_Understood_C_Language__Part2.doc
* IISEng.doc
* IIS_Security_and_Programming_Countermeasures.pdf
* IP Tunneling via SSL.txt
* IPC Explained.doc
* IRC Basic Commands.txt
* IRC For The Generally Incompetent.txt
* IRC-Einfuehrung.txt
* IRC-WAR.txt
* IRC-for-the-Generally-Incompetent-by-MoTT.htm
* IRC.txt
* IRCTradingv1.1.txt
* IRIX.Login.Security.txt
* ISO17799-6a.htm
* ISO17799_News-Issue_8.html
* ISS_Security_1.doc
* IT_Essentials-Chapter_4.ppt
* IT_Essentials_1_Chapter_5_I.ppt
* Identifying Common Firewall Strategies.pdf
* ImplicationsOfP2PNetworksOnWormAttacks&Defenses.pdf
* In_depth_Guide_Too_Hacking_Windows_Using_NetBIOS.doc
* Increasing_Performance_NIDS.pdf
* Infocus-Passive-Network-Traffic-Analysis-Understanding.htm
* Infosec_glossary_mar03.pdf
* InterceptingMobileCommunications.pdf
* International Cybercrime Treaty.pdf
* Internet Cyber Attack Model.doc
* Internet Cyber Attack Model1.doc
* Internet Cyber Attack Routing Process.vsd
* Internet Download Manager 4 05 Input URL Stack Overflo.txt
* Internet.pdf
* Interview-with-Ed-Skoudis.doc
* Interview-with-Judy-Novak.doc
* Interview-with-Martin-Croome.doc
* Interview-with-Rich-Bowen.doc
* Introducing Stealth Malware Taxonomy.pdf
* Introduction-of-IP-CHAINS.htm
* Introduction-to-Simple-Oracle-Auditing.html
* Intrusion-Detection-Terminology-Part-One.htm
* Intrusion-detection-intro.htm
* Issues in Risk Assessment.doc
* JPG to EXE - E-man.txt
* Java_applet_copy-protection.html
* John The Ripper - Illustrated Guide.pdf
* John Wiley & Sons - Hacking For Dummies.pdf
* John.Wiley.and.Sons.The.Art.of.Intrusion.The.Real.Stories.Behind.the.Exploits.of.Hackers.Intruders.and.Deceivers.pdf
* JustAnotherWayHotmailPasswords.txt
* Kerberos.doc
* Kernel-Rootkits-Explained.html
* Kevin.Mitnick-The.Art.of.Intrusion.pdf
* KevinMitnick.pdf
* Keystroke Dynamics.pdf
* Lame.txt
* Languard_scanning_tutorial.txt
* Layer 2 Sniffing.pdf
* Learning-with-Honeyd.txt
* LinkingRules_040202.doc
* Linksys WLAN Router-Hacking.pdf
* Looking for Vulnerabilites.txt
* MSIEs_Hidden_Files_in_WinXP_Pro-E-man.txt
* MSN-messenger-tip.txt
* MSNTutorialbyDeadBeat.html
* MTS_Exploit.txt
* Maintaining-System-Integrity-During-Forensics.htm
* Managing DoS.pdf
* Mandatory Access Control Tutorial.txt
* Matrix-Hacking_A-Slice-of-Reality-in-a-World-of-Make-Believe.htm
* Maximum Security - A Hacker's Guide to Protecting Your Inter.pdf
* McGraw-Hill - Hacking Exposed, 3rd Ed - Hacking Exposed Win2K - Hacking Linux Exposed (Book Excerpts, 260 pages) - 2001 - (By Laxxuss).pdf
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* Modeling Botnet Propagation Using Time Zones.pdf
* Mutual-Trust-Networks-Rise-of-a-Society.htm
* N Korea IT policy & prospects.pdf
* NT-for-newbies.txt
* National Vulnerability Database Statistics.htm
* National_Cyberspace_Strategy.pdf
* National_Grid_transmission_critical_link.pdf
* NetBIOSHackingbyStealthWasp.txt
* NetBios Explained.doc
* NetBios-axion.txt
* Netcat_Tutorial.pdf
* Network Covert Channels Subversive Secrecy.pdf
* Network Security Points.pdf
* Network-Firewall-Security.txt
* Networking.pdf
* New Attack Model Computations.xls
* New Attack Model2.doc
* New-tech-hacks-crack.txt
* Next-GenerationWin32exploits.htm
* NickServ.doc
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* ONLamp_com-Secure-Programming-Techniques-Part-2.htm
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* ONLamp_com-Secure-Programming-Techniques-Part-4.htm
* OReilly - Oracle.Security.OReilly.1998.chm
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* Oreilly.Security.Warrior.eBook-DDU.chm
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* PHP-Security-Part-2.htm
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* PaperECE723v39Format.pdf
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* PassiveMappingviaStimulus.pdf
* Penetration Testing For Web Applications Part 1.pdf
* Penetration Testing For Web Applications Part 2.pdf
* Penetration-Testing-for-Web-Applications-Part3.htm
* Placing-Backdoors-Through-Firewalls.htm
* Pocket-Sized-Wireless-Detection.htm
* PortScanning-BillReilly.doc
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* Practices for Seizing Electronic Evidence.pdf
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* Problems-with-passwords.htm
* Procedures for Seizing Computers.pdf
* Proposal for the Development of Models of Cyber Security with Application to the Electric Grid.doc
* Protecting Next Gen Firewalls.pdf
* Public Key - Steganography.pdf
* Puppetnets-Misusing Web Browsers as a Distributed Attack Infrastructure.pdf
* RE_I.txt
* RE_II.txt
* RFC 1459 - Internet Relay Chat Protocol.pdf
* RIAA_hack.html
* RainbowTablesExplained.pdf
* Rapidshare Trick No Waiting.txt
* Recover Lost Windows Administrator Password.txt
* Reducing-Human-Factor-Mistakes.htm
* Remote Windows Kernel Exploitation.pdf
* RemotePhysicalDeviceFingerprinting.pdf
* Remotely Exploit Format String Bugs.txt
* Revealing Botnet with DNSBL Counter-Intelligence.pdf
* Ripping Flash Movies for Passwords.txt
* Risc_vs_Cisc.htm
* Router Security Guidance Activity.pdf
* SMB-RSVP.txt
* SOCKS.txt
* SQL Injection Attack and Defense.pdf
* SQL Injection White Paper.pdf
* SQL-Injection-and-Oracle-Part-One.htm
* SQL-Injection-and-Oracle-Part-Two.htm
* SQL_Advanced_Injection.pdf
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* SSL And TLS.pdf
* Sams - Covert Java Techniques for Decompiling, Patching,and Reverse Engineering.pdf
* Sams.Inside.Network.Security.Assessment.Guarding.Your.IT.Infrastructure.Nov.2005.chm
* Sams.Maximum.Security.Fourth.Edition.chm
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* Secure Communication In Space.pdf
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* Securing IIS 5.0 & 5.1.pdf
* Securing-MySQL-step-by-step.htm
* Securing-Windows-2000-and-IIS.doc
* SecuringFiberOpticCommunicationAgainstTapping.pdf
* SecurityFocus - Intelligence Gathering Watching a Honeypot a.htm
* SecurityPatchManagement_ManageSoftWP.pdf
* SeeMe.txt.txt
* Self Deleting Batch.txt
* Self-Learning System for P2P Traffic Classification.pdf
* SetUp.txt
* Sever-Status.txt
* Shell Coding.txt
* ShellCode.txt
* SimpleFingerTutorial.txt
* Simple_Computer_Jargon_Glossary.doc
* Sniffing In A Switched Network.pdf
* Socket_Programming_In_C-by polygrithm.doc
* Socket_Programming_In_C_by_DigitalViper.doc
* Socks Overview Paper.pdf
* Software Vulnerability Analysis.pdf
* Spies-at-Work.txt
* Spyware - A Hidden Threat.pdf
* Stack Overflows Analysis And Exploiting Ways.PDF
* Starting-from-Scratch-Formatting-and-Reinstalling.htm
* Statistical-Based-Intrusion-Detection.html
* Stealing Files From Sites.txt
* Stealing The Network How To Own The Box.pdf
* Stealth Syscall Redirection.txt
* Stealth.doc
* Steganalysis - Detecting Hidden Information.pdf
* Steganography In Images.pdf
* Steganography Primer.pdf
* Steganography vs. Steganalysis.pdf
* Steganograpy - The Right Way.pdf
* Stopping Automated Attack Tools.pdf
* Strengthening Network Security With Web-Based Vulnerability Assessment.pdf
* Study Of Firewall Misconfiguration.pdf
* Substitution Ciphers.txt
* Sybex - Firewalls 24 Seven.pdf
* Syngress - Buffer Overflow Attacks - Detect, Exploit and Prevent (
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* Syslog_Basics_Configuring_Logging_on_Linux.html
* Systematic Methodology for Firewall Testing.doc
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* The Art of Disassembly.rar
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* The Google Hackers Guide v1.0.pdf
* The Google filesystem.pdf
* The Hacker Crackdown.pdf
* The Hacker's Dictionary.txt
* The National Information Infrastructure-Agenda for Action.txt
* The Newbies Handbook- ' How to beging in the World of Hacking.txt
* The Newbies-User's Guide to Hacking.txt
* The Only True Guide to Learning how to Hack.txt
* The Pre-History of Cyberspace.txt
* The Price of Copyright Violation.txt
* The REAL way to hack RemoteAccess.txt
* The Secret Service, UUCP,and The Legion of Doom.txt
* The role of intrusion detection systems.pdf
* The-Basics-and-use-of-XOR.txt
* The-Cable-Modem-Traffic-Jam.txt
* The-Enemy-Within-Firewalls-and-Backdoors.htm
* The-Risks-of-Vulnerabilities.htm
* The-cyberwar-begins.htm
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* The.International.Handbook.of.Computer.Security.eBook-EEn.pdf
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* TheForbiddenChapter.htm
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* The_Art_of_Deception_by_Kevin_Mitnick.pdf
* The_Art_of_Intrusion.pdf
* The_Insecure_Indexing_Vulnerability.txt
* ThroughputMonitorv2.0.txt
* Tips_On_Web_Designing_1.0.txt
* Tracing a Hacker.txt
* Tracing an Email.pdf
* Tricks Of The Internet
* Tricks to avoid detection.txt
* TrillianPWdecCode.txt
* Trojan_Whitepaper.pdf
* Tutorial Buffer Overflow - Stack Hacking Hacken Cracken Deutsch Handbuch Computer Pc Security Wlan C Lan Dbase Access Command Remote.pdf
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* U_S_ Information-Security-Law-Part-3.htm
* U_S_ Information-Security-Law-Part-Four.htm
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* UnderstandingIPAddressing.txt
* Understanding_NetBIOS.txt
* Undocumented dos commands.pdf
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* Ural Hack.txt
* User profiling for intrusion detection.pdf
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* Waveform Advances for Satellite Data Communications.pdf
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* basic_web_session_impersonation.htm
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* nmap_manpage.html
* nmapgrepableoutput.htm
* ntexploits.txt
* ntreg.doc
* obsd-faq.txt
* oc192-bof.c.txt
* openssh-3.6.1p2+SecurID_v1.patch.txt
* openssh-3.6.1p2+SecurID_v1_patch.txt
* opteronmicrocode.txt
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* optical_tempest_optical.pdf
* oraclerowlevelsecuritypart2.htm
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* osi.htm
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* paswordlist.html
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* problemsandchallengeswithhoneypots.htm
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* protecting_windows_servers_against_dos_attacks.html
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* sile_Introduzione_al_Protocollo_TCP-IP.TXT
* sile_Introduzione_alle_reti_di_computer.TXT
* sile_ddos_it.TXT
* sile_isapi_overflow_it.TXT
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* wireless_attacks_and_penetration_testing_part_1.htm
* wireless_attacks_and_penetration_testing_part_2.htm
* wireless_endpoint_security_tie_up_the_loose_ends.htm
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